Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Get the Point, AO

For any of you who question whether or not God still communicates, then let me put your fears at ease. Now please understand that I will be using a great deal of discretion in sharing this story. Those of you familiar with my story will understand, otherwise I just ask that you appreciate the the main point... God gets his point across.

Yesterday (January 28, 2009), I had a first. I had my first drive in real snow and ice. It was awesome. I will attempt to blog about the experience at The Oliver Tale. Nonetheless, I made it to work safely and was greeted at the door by the gracious Jack Craig. He is such an encourager. After a brief meeting with him, I felt it necessary to seek the face of the Lord. So, I took to the discipline of prayer. "Father, what do you want me to do today?" That's all I asked. I listened... nothing. I opened my Bible... nothing. I wanted to hear the small, still voice, but apparently it was a bit too small and still for me at that moment. The sound of my racing heart, raging emotions, and uneasy spirit provided to much distraction. It was getting close to staff meeting, so I trucked off to the rest room. As I returned, I noticed I had mail in my box. I sifted through the two items and something caught my eye. I pulled out a promotional card for who knows what and read the following: Be kind to one another, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, as God in Christ forgave you. Ephesians 4:32. At that moment, I felt God say, "AO, this is my word to you today, my child." I can't even begin to tell you how that rocked my world. It would turn out to be useful. Oh just so you don't think it was a sillly AO thing... later that afternoon, as I was reviewing our Kids Worship material for Sunday, I discovered the key verse to be Ephesians 4:32. NO KIDDING!!! That ate my lunch for sure.

So, I came home early (to beat the White Death) and studied Ephesians 4:32 hard. Now, Ephesians just happens to be my favorite book of the Bible. I know you aren't supposed to have favorites, but it's just raw and real to me. Ephesians is all encompassing, yet simple. Ephesians tells a story that I am play an active part in and I just can't get enough. Ephesians 4:32 brings chapter 4 to a close. It is the lynch pin that holds Paul's teaching on life in the Spirit and being an imitator of God together. The imperative in 4:32 is "be". I know I am get consumed with the "do" and forget about the "be". The text (the Greek text that is) actually indicates that our being is not dependent on us, but some outside force. A force acting out on and in us empowering us to "be". Now, if you just read 4:32 by itself you miss this completely. We can only "be" because of the life we have and live in the Spirit (recall Ephesians 4:3-4 and following).

And Paul seals up his thought so nicely with: just as you have been freely given forgiveness from God in Christ. Paul makes theology simple, but so profound. We have nothing on our own. All that we have whether it be forgiveness, life, breath, gifts, etc. we have because God has given it to us in Christ. Oh thank you Lord for Jesus Christ. Thank you for kindly and calmly making sure I get the point. I get it.

P.S. Yes, God calls me AO.


Kevin Henry said...

Similar experience for me occurred on Monday this week. At the urging of a friend, I renewed my morning quiet time. I'd laid off for far too long. I was writing my prayer in my journal, and I was praying for my family to be protected from the assaults of Satan, that my home would be a safe place, and He spoke to me so clearly, the ink on the page actually trailed off into a flatline scribble. What did He say?

"Your walls have been breached."

AO said...

Kevin, wow man. Thanks for sharing your story. I mean WOW!!! God doesn't have to say much to make a point. He is one of few words, but man those words get you... EVERYTIME!!! Kevin stay after Him.