It appears there is an epidemic sweeping our society called, kindaness. Kindaness: I kinda want to be nice. I kinda don't. I knida don't care. I kinda care. I kinda want to help. I kinda don't. I kinda see your point. I kinda don't. Perhaps you only kinda get my point. You see what I mean. The uncertainity has left all of us rambling, confused, and somewhat insecure.
Kindaness came to my mind today as I was at the United Dairy Farmer right down the road from my home. I entered the store and noticed as I entered the door a gentleman no more than 10 years older than myself was just a few strides behind me. I decided that I would hold the door for him. A simple gesture of kindness... a forgotten common courtesy if you ask me (But of course you did not and why would you). As he rushed for the door because he noticed I held it for him, our eyes met and I saw it... Kindaness. You could see the wheels turning... I'm kinda glad you held the door. I kinda wonder if you have an alterior motive. I kinda think you might just have wanted to be nice. I'm kinda not sure. You could say he felt kinda confused. I don't blame him.
I kinda wondered the same. I kinda thought I might not hold the door before I walked in. I kinda felt what's the point. But as I processed that interaction, I realized people in general kinda have a problem with kindness. I am not sure if its due to fear, uncertainity, or just plain laziness. We act as if kindness is kinda difficult, maybe even kind of wrong. Kindaness is the in between place we find ourselves. We kinda want to be kind, we kinda don't. We also find it exceptionally difficult to put into practice Jesus' kinda odd words in Luke 6:27-3:
“But to you who are willing to listen, I say, love your enemies! Do good to those who hate you. Bless those who curse you. Pray for those who hurt you. If someone slaps you on one cheek, offer the other cheek also. If someone demands your coat, offer your shirt also. Give to anyone who asks; and when things are taken away from you, don’t try to get them back. (NLT)
Show kindness, do good, give away. What in the world? That kinda makes me sick to think about. Those words kinda fly against everything my society has led me to believe. However, more and more attention is given to the topic of kindness. If you paid any attention to commercials right before and after the election... the main message presented: help, do good, show kindness. Be the changing agent yourself. Act.
It strikes me kinda funny that there really is a problem with kindaness. My suggestion for a cure: You need to just kinda get over it and be kind. Take two and call me in the morning. By the way, undone ones suffer from this sickness as much as anyone. But as we are made aware... we realize just how undone we truly are. No friends, we are not kinda done. We are still completely undone. Enjoy the journey, it's kinda fun.