As I drove home from work today, I followed behind a vehicle that played host to a bumper stick that looked similar to what you see pictured above. After seeing this decal, I fell into a pattern that deeply bothers my precious wife. I followed the car in front of me a lot longer than was necessary. That fact is neither here nor there in reference to this post. Shall we continue... okay thanks.
So, this bumper stick struck me. My first reaction, yeah I hope so too in your case sweetheart... no only kidding. In all seriousness, it did occur to me the many differing theologies that have to do with the issue presented by the bumper sticker. I'll spin it a few ways, and you let me know what you think. How about that?
One, God is not picky at all. Some would argue that he doen't pick, or even engage creation/humanity at all. Life is merely a spectator sport of which he doesn't even choose a favorite to cheer for, just sits back and lets things be. Some would say He's even too lazy to pick up the remote to change the channel, but who cares... He's not picky. I've heard it said that beggars can't be choosers (pardon the pun).
Two, God is picky. As an ultimate authoritative being, He has a right if you will to pick and choose. It's his design, He laid out the rules, He can do as He his heart so desires. The word "favorites" would not be used, but one could probably understand the concept that way. Essentially, God is picky and chooses he wants and chooses who he doesn't. So does that make him picky? He's still choosing... just maybe not choosing the way everyone would want?
Three, God isn't picky, but knows what He wants. This is where you're scratching your head, thinking to yourself: What! Many believe that God allows for the freedom of choice in those He created. That is to say, that man chooses God. Interestingly enough, in this scenario the human race becomes the picky one. God is an option, but may not be the option that is chosen. However, this is where it gets fun. God knows who will pick Him, but doesn't influence them in anyway.
Four, God is picky, but gracious... at times. The best way to explain this is as follows... Remember the Grey's Anatomy scene where Meredith Grey begs McDreamie, "Choose me, pick me, love me!" Perhaps if we do the right thing, say the right thing, so on and so forth, God will indeed pick me. But there's no security in if he will or not. Just the hope that He might.
Five, God is picky, justifiably so, but incredibly gracious... but yet still just. Yeah, I know you're still scratching your head, but now you're more likely saying William Trent Flowers' initials (and by that I mean What The Foot!). Yeah, you thought I meant something else. Ha! joke is on you. Back to the point... As creator of the universe and humanity, and laying out one simple demand that was unfortanetly not kept, God has the divine right to determine who and how things should play out. But in His loving nature, has so designed it that humans (okay, see God is picky) may indeed choose His love after He has lovingly prodded them. The unique thing is He prods all, but not all accept His gracious offer. They get picky and want their way, which happens to be contratrary to His will and desire for you. He's picky in that you love him back after you accept His love, that's His two requirements (two doesn't seem to be too picky). Accept His love of you and then love in return. And hear me when I say, acceptance is not always easy.
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1 comment:
i don't have much to say on this, as I am in a sugar coma from the snickers ice cream cake. yum!
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