Today, at the Bridge, our Lead Pastor, Tim Dunn, brought a challenging message on the real F word (he also wrote about it on his blog: realtimdunn). Let me tell you, I got my face rocked off today...
After walking us thoroughly through Jesus' parable on the unforgiving servant in Matthew 18:23-37, he wrapped up with the following activity (I know engaging his audience, what was he thinking... brilliant!! ): Each person was given a 3x5 index card and a pen. We were instructed to write down an event/a person that we refused to forgive. As if this were not challenging enough, Tim went a step further and asked us to carry that card around with us until we were truly ready to lay down our unforgiveness. Just so you are aware, he didn't mean keep this in your pocket or purse, he meant physically carry it around, like a badge on your sleeve if you. People need to know you harbor unforgiveness... the card should be visible.
Who wants to carry around a 3x5 card all of the time, right? Well, in case you missed it, that was a large part of the point. Bring to your mind how silly it is to continue in resentment and unforgiveness. I confess, as I look at my card right now... it's hard to let go. Part of me wants to hold on to it. So, I can say, "Look what this person did to me! How outrageous!" This person deserves my resentment... besides, they brought it on themselves. This activity stirred up a good deal of emotion for me that I thought I had dealt with appropriately. That little card reminds me even now, how I most certainly have not. I confess, I just as I carry this silly card, I carry unforgiveness. Well, I've had a enough. I'm laying mine down. Stupid card! Stupid unforgiveness! Burdened, no more.
I challenge you to give this little exercise a try. Take a 3x5 card and write down who you harbor unforgiveness towards. Explain why you do, maybe even what happened to bring it about if necessary. You may have more than one instance, write them all down. But be prepared to carry the card until you are truly ready to lay down the burden of unforgiveness, then share you're experience with us. We dedicated a special page at the Bridge's website to celebrate our triumph (only by and through the grace of Jesus Christ of course) share your experience. Lay down the burden of unforgiveness... live free and undone.
forgiveness is the real f word for sure and I am lazy. i hate being lazy but i am. why do we do things we do not want to do?
Because, that's just how we are. I am afraid, I, too, am lazy. Pitifully lazy. what's my problem?
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