So, everyone talks about giving God your firsts, your best, your everything... I confess, I struggle with giving God this stuff, I am a selfish and incredibly lazy person. However, this morning I've been challenged to give God something else. Frank C. Laubach in Letters by a Modern Mystic* outlines a process, no an adventure, in giving your seconds to God.
Seconds, do not seem like a lot. And I will be honest giving seconds sounds more doable thangiving God my hours. The challenge is bringing God to mind for at least one second each minute. I don't know about you, but generally speaking if I think of something for one second, that thought has a tendency to linger. Like that stupid song that gets stuck in your head... yeah you know when that one word is said or thought and suddenly you find yourself singing that phrase of song for the next 30 minutes... happens to me all of the time. So, I am praying today that God will be the song that gets stuck in my head and I hope I can't shake it.
I believe this new adventure serves as an answer to my recent struggle. As of late, I have been exceptionally gifted in squandering time as opposed to making time. I could call this problem a whole bunch of things but the simple fact is I've been complacent and lazy. Today, it's time to get to work. Besides, who doesn't love a good adventure. It breaks up the monotony of everyday life. I'm up for that. You?
I am starting my adventure today, I invite you to join me. Let's give our seconds to God. No, not the leftovers, but our seconds. Let it begin with one second of every minute. Think on God, get Him in your mind, and let's pray His being there even for one second stains our thought process all day. I will be sharing my experience of giving my seconds and becoming undone here. Share yours with me here as well... leave comments and let's do this adventure together.
* Letters by a Modern Mystic by Frank C. Laubach. This is one of the books I'm currently processing. It's a small, very digestable book. It highlights the giving God your seconds process but also the journey Frank took during the most lonesome and depressing time of his life... being a missionary. The joy in his life jumps off the pages. Incredible. Pick this little treasure up.
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