Sunday, January 10, 2010

Failed Escape

Little Ella has been actively attempting to make her escape as of late. However, she seems to be as hard headed as her father and neglects to ask for directions. The past few nights, Sara and I have been entertained by Ella pushing hard against Sara's belly to the point, you can tell she can't stretch any further, neither will Sara's skin. I must clarify, the experience has been entertaining for me, painful for Sara.

I commented to Sara that it almost seems that Ella pulls on the umbilical cord in hopes that it will release her from her one bedroom apartment. Or she's attempting to repel out of the womb with it. I can't tell you how many times we have told her that she won't fit through Sara's belly button. Our communication with her is as futile as her countless attempts to escape using proven failed routes and methods. I must admit, I appreciate her imagination and ingenuity but I wish she would ditch the stubbornness. I am fearful of what it means for us once she arrives.

Two nights ago, we caught her in the act. While she pushed relentlessly against Sara's belly, we actually caught her foot (take my word for it, it was a foot). After Sara kindly pointed out where the foot was I immediately grabbed it. You could tell this caught Ella by surprise. She quickly jerked her foot back and kicked back as if to say, "Hey cut that out!" I can only imagine she got this mean look on her face, rolled her eyes, and crossed her arms in disgust all the while thinking to herself, "What nerve those crazy folks have... grabbing my foot. Who do they think they are, that's my foot."

Our little one continues to make her presence known even in her absence. The Lord only knows, what type of show she will put on once she arrives. If she entertains us this much now, I can only imagine the countless hours of sheer joy and excitement we will experience once she's here. Until then, we wait and I attempt to catalogue the memories.

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