Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Rethink Discipleship

A sacred part of the Christian faith has become fossilized and dilapidated. The practice of discipleship has all but disappeared or at minimum been buried under the pile of self-help books and personal discovery exercises. I am fearful, we have forgotten that discipleship is even a practice. I mean for most it was something you went to on a Sunday or Wednesday night. It developed into a process, a procedure if you will, and less of an actual living practice. Discipleship got relegated to a room and not lives. I suggest it's time to rethink discipleship.

1. reTHINK discipleship ..: For the longest time, we have made discipleship a personal journey, when indeed discipleship is lived and practiced with in community (aka relationships). It is both vertical (with Christ) and horizontal (with people). Discipleship was never intended to be done alone.

reTHINK where & when discipleship is done ..: move from a designated time and place to more of an organic, everyday occurrence. It can happen in a coffee shop, at the gas station, at work in the break room, in your office, at a party, get this... it can happen where ever you just so happen to be. Oh yeah, you don't have to have "arrived" if you will to disciple. Start the process, grow together. See #3.

2. reTHINK how you disciple ..: Discipleship has been a matter of forming people to act and think a prescribed Christian philosophy. Whereas this is not wrong, we should be making people disciples of Christ, not ourselves or our denominations even.

3. reTHINK who you disciple ..: First be a disciple. Learn from someone... someone who knows the ropes. Invest others as well though. Bring them along for the journey. Jesus called first-class "nobodies" to be his disciples and he entrusted them to be disciple makers. He will give you the tools, the wisdom, the people, and the resources... you need only ask. We are commanded to disciple "all nations..." not the church (this is not a mandate to abandon nor neglect the church, just give the thought proper attention).

I fully believe it is high time to get our minds around the idea of living, personal discipleship. Its not a job, its not a hassle... its a mission. Make your life a life of learning. Be a learner, who doesn't live much less learn in isolation, but actively engages the world, and more importantly makes learners in Christ out of the world.


Be a friend, be a discipler... offer your discipleship story(s), tips and/or practices by leaving a comment.

Sunday, August 23, 2009

The Parables: Work and Whine

In Matthew 20:1-15, Jesus tells the parable of the Laborers in the Vineyard. Quick context, just prior to this parable, the disciples have a few questions for Jesus about "rewards." They have given up so much to follow him, they feel it is only right to receive a great reward. Jesus replies along these lines: The first shall be last and the last shall be first. Then he launches into the parable.

This parable provides clear insight into the problem I mentioned in an earlier post (God's Ridiculous Faithfulness). As the story goes, workers were hired at the beginning of the day and agreed to a set wage. Throughout the day, the owner of the vineyard hires more workers, mid-morning, midday, mid-afternoon, and an hour before close. Those hired last get their wage first and it just so happens they get the same amount as those hired first thing in the morning. Of course the workers who put in a full day do what any other vineyard worker would do... they whine (I can almost imagine the owner saying, "Would you like cheese with that whine?").

It's only logical that the owner would recognize this error and correct it, right? I mean these guys worked all day, the others only a small part. They deserve better. Well in all graciousness, the owner reminds them they had an agreement. He had been generous in holding up his end of the deal. It was his right to deal with the others workers as he saw fit. And he ask them a great question: Do you begrudge my generosity?

Note the owners question. His question put the first workers right in their place. Sure, the reality is the situation didn't make sense, but he had been generous to all the workers. The brilliant question provided the one thing the first workers needed: perspective. That perspective, fair or not, made these first workers realize what they got was equality. And in some cases, like this particular one, equality is not fair. The owner didn't pull a fast one, he simply welcomed them (and us) to the economy of grace... God's ridiculous, radical grace.

I have a question for you: Is equality fair?

Monday, August 17, 2009

God's Ridiculous Faithfulness

I received a call from one my most dear friends, Grant, today. He and I had not talked in several months, so needless to say his call was a pleasant surprise.

As we wrapped up our conversation, I commented to Grant, "Well, God is continually faithful to us, that's just the way He tends to be." Grant cracked back, "Yeah, I've been meaning to discuss that with Him." This started a hilarious stint of random thoughts on the illogical process that is called God's faithfulness:

God, I've spit in your face more times than I care to count and yet you're faithful. I've turned tail and ran the other way more than a 100 times I'm sure and yet you take me back. I've been the prodigal and the son that stayed, but you've always been the faithful, loving father. Would you for just a moment take on my faulted thinking and see it my way. I mean seriously, this is getting ridiculous! It's simply illogical and makes absolutely no sense whatsoever.

But you know... I just want to say thanks for being soo incredibly illogical.

What part of the silliness of God are you most thankful?

Friday, August 14, 2009

Bumper Stick Theology

As I drove home from work today, I followed behind a vehicle that played host to a bumper stick that looked similar to what you see pictured above. After seeing this decal, I fell into a pattern that deeply bothers my precious wife. I followed the car in front of me a lot longer than was necessary. That fact is neither here nor there in reference to this post. Shall we continue... okay thanks.

So, this bumper stick struck me. My first reaction, yeah I hope so too in your case sweetheart... no only kidding. In all seriousness, it did occur to me the many differing theologies that have to do with the issue presented by the bumper sticker. I'll spin it a few ways, and you let me know what you think. How about that?

One, God is not picky at all. Some would argue that he doen't pick, or even engage creation/humanity at all. Life is merely a spectator sport of which he doesn't even choose a favorite to cheer for, just sits back and lets things be. Some would say He's even too lazy to pick up the remote to change the channel, but who cares... He's not picky. I've heard it said that beggars can't be choosers (pardon the pun).

Two, God is picky. As an ultimate authoritative being, He has a right if you will to pick and choose. It's his design, He laid out the rules, He can do as He his heart so desires. The word "favorites" would not be used, but one could probably understand the concept that way. Essentially, God is picky and chooses he wants and chooses who he doesn't. So does that make him picky? He's still choosing... just maybe not choosing the way everyone would want?

Three, God isn't picky, but knows what He wants. This is where you're scratching your head, thinking to yourself: What! Many believe that God allows for the freedom of choice in those He created. That is to say, that man chooses God. Interestingly enough, in this scenario the human race becomes the picky one. God is an option, but may not be the option that is chosen. However, this is where it gets fun. God knows who will pick Him, but doesn't influence them in anyway.

Four, God is picky, but gracious... at times. The best way to explain this is as follows... Remember the Grey's Anatomy scene where Meredith Grey begs McDreamie, "Choose me, pick me, love me!" Perhaps if we do the right thing, say the right thing, so on and so forth, God will indeed pick me. But there's no security in if he will or not. Just the hope that He might.

Five, God is picky, justifiably so, but incredibly gracious... but yet still just. Yeah, I know you're still scratching your head, but now you're more likely saying William Trent Flowers' initials (and by that I mean What The Foot!). Yeah, you thought I meant something else. Ha! joke is on you. Back to the point... As creator of the universe and humanity, and laying out one simple demand that was unfortanetly not kept, God has the divine right to determine who and how things should play out. But in His loving nature, has so designed it that humans (okay, see God is picky) may indeed choose His love after He has lovingly prodded them. The unique thing is He prods all, but not all accept His gracious offer. They get picky and want their way, which happens to be contratrary to His will and desire for you. He's picky in that you love him back after you accept His love, that's His two requirements (two doesn't seem to be too picky). Accept His love of you and then love in return. And hear me when I say, acceptance is not always easy.

Please share your thoughts... leave a comment.

Thursday, August 6, 2009

When Reality Hits

I feel like everyone I have ever spoken with has these moments, I mean, I hope it's not just me, but you get that overwhelming feeling of reality. You know what I mean... that moment reality plops right down in front of you and smacks you in the face. I have come to realize and embrace that this feeling comes out of nowhere. It's on no timetable. It just happens. Much like that catchy little slogan for feces.

This morning as I was getting ready for the day, it happened. Reality hit. For those of you who missed it Sara and I are going to be parents. January 29, 2010 is the big day. Somewhere near that day and time we will welcome a little person in the world, into our home, and into our family. Here are some of the things that crossed my mind this morning as reality hit me with a left hook:

Alan, you do well to take care of yourself and another human being who is most capable of caring for theirself, what are you going to do with one that relies solely on YOU! I imagined holding this little person in my arms and making the realization that there was an equal part of me and equal part of Sara and yet this little baby would be its own person, wonderfully made weaved together miraclously by the Great Creator and Life Giver (Yahweh). He/She will grow up exceptionally faster than I can imagine. He/she will change the way Sara and I do life together, in the best sense I know. This fragile little being will be our responsibility. What?! God, I know and understand you KNOW everything and order things in such a way that Your will will be accomplished. But...?

Then, I couldn't think of the question I needed or even wanted to ask. The silence fell in my mind. Reality had hit hard and I looked like one of the losers after a UFC fight. Dazed and confused. Wondering where I was and what in the world just happened. Here's the best part though, just as quickly as reality landed its breath-taking blow, peace rushed on me like rain. Yeah maybe it was just being in the shower, but it was a real experience. My mind cleared and I heard a small, still voice say, "You will be okay. As will your child, my child." Yes, that happened this morning.

What I realized in all of this is how thankful I am that the God who orchestrates reality, exists within it to not only empowers us to withstand reality's striking blows, but equips us to live in and through reality. And oh yeah, walks with us all the way. That's what I call AWESOME!!!

Share your Reality hitting moment by leaving a comment.