Friday, May 29, 2009


Change... it comes and it goes. Some put change in a cup, or a piggy bank, they cherish it, they save it. These individuals know and understand change, even though seemingly insignificant it can add up over time and be incredibly valuable, well worth enduring.

For others, change is not so well received. In these individual's mind, change is meaningless and serves no purpose. They find change an annoyance, something to keep up with, leaves an odd odor, and draws attention to them because of the noise it makes when several pieces collide together. Change provides no value and therefore seems worthless to bear.

The change I speaks of really has nothing to do with money. Sure, the amount you have or do not have could play a part in the change you experience. The change I refer to here has to do with life change... simple and complex. At this moment in my life, I am discovering that the only real constant in life (in mine and in general) is change. Think about it this way: You experience a certain change in your life, whether sudden or delayed, after a period of time you adjust to this so-called change. The moment you move from uneasy to comfortable with the recent change you experience in essence experience change yet again. The moment you have adopted to that change, ah yes, you guessed it change happens once more. Change, the constant variable.

However, as astonishing as that last thought may have been, my fascination with change runs a bit deeper. We are in need of change. Whether any of us recognize this fact or not, the truth remains... we need and must have change. Change allows for growth (whether that be physical, mental, spiritually, etc). Change brings new perspective of which we all need to see. You would never know the thrill of riding your favorite roller coaster if you never changed your position from standing in line to actually getting on the ride. You would never know how good a certain food that you love is unless you changed your mind, and changed the location of the food from your plate to your mouth. You would also never change from hungry to satisfied. Just think, if you did not change shirts just how rotten your smell and appearance would be?

Change a necessary evil, or fundamental good? Sure, I agree, most likely change is both. Not all change has positive results. You change moods and hurt other's feelings. You change medicines and turns out they aren't for your diagnosed issue. You change jobs only to find that you are not has happy as you were. You change from being married to single or vice versa.

I can not say with certainty all change is indeed good. I can say change is a sure thing. So if I were you, I would put all my money (or change) on change. You bank on change you will never be guessing. You will know it is coming. Embrace change, it will happen, who I am kidding,do not be so surprise to realize change is happening now whether you want it to or not. However, I guarantee if you bet on change, you will leave with more than just spare change. You will be able to not only face change, but do so boldly and with a good spirit, you will bear it.

I'm not much of a gambler, but I am letting it ride and I am going all in on... change.

Sunday, May 24, 2009


Every wound tells a story. Whether the wound be internal or external, a mere scratch or a deep gash, everybody has had a least one. Some wounds come by self infliction, some by accident, some by pre-meditation, and yes some come by sticks and stones. Some wounds heal, some wounds leave a scar, yet some wounds are fatal. Regardless, each wound tells a tale.

The age old questions always raises it ugly head when we see wounds: What happened? How quickly we forget not all wounds are as simple as a skinned knee. Where the question may appear simple enough, the asker typically does not adequately calculate just how loaded those two words are? Whereas some stories come easy and are told with great pride, others desire greatly for the story to remain buried... deep under layers of shame and even guilt.

If I may say so, I doubt many of us have considered that wounds are one thing that all humanity shares in. Wounds form an unidentified bond between every person who lives and breathes on this thing we call earth. Now that's not to say we all share equal wounds, but we all share wounds. Our lives are wrapped up in a wounded world and society. Wounds are an unescapable reality. But I reveal this to you not to proclaim a message of gloom and doom, but to encourage you. As wounded ones, we tend to turn inward and go it alone. Many of us walking wounded convince ourselves this or that will fix it, but telling someone my story will only bring me shame and them disgust. Our only resort, hurt alone. I beg to differ.

I present to you another solution. I dare to ask you, "What happened?" I gladly hand you the shovel and take my own and say to you, let's dig this one up together. I say to you... you don't have to hurt alone. As one who is undone, I say to you, I will bleed with you, cry with you, hurt with you, and in time heal with you. I, too, am one who has been and will again be wounded. I'm not afraid, but I am undone. I am undone, because...

The one in whom I believe thought enough of me, to be wounded on my behalf. And I don't mean to say he fell and skinned his knee, mind you. Oh no, my Savior, Jesus Christ, bore fatal wounds, so that this pain I feel would only be temporary and so I would know immense joy. He bled so I would be whole. He died that I might live. He who knew no wrong became all that is wrong in me (and yes you are the "me" in this wound story as much as I am) and was dealt death's greatest blow. He willfully absorbed that pain and those fatal wounds for me. He knew pain, he knew death, but he did not know them long. He still bears the scars, so you and I can not only know the story, but proudly tell it. So as we experience our own wounds, we can boldly hope in the only one who can heal them as we hold tightly to His wounded hand. You see, God the Father, used the one bond we all share to unite us to Him through His wounded son. Wounds are a unique bond. Let us not hide them, but bear them together in Christ, who offers you His wound-scar hand of healing and hope.

Friends, I implore you, fear your wounds no more. Be free from them. Again, wounded ones I say to you, "Our wounds bring us together. You do not and must not go it along. Let us heal together." So let us be one with the one who knows our wounds, for He too, took them on and yes boldly wears them even now.

Feel free to share your wounds, via comments, or email (

Wednesday, May 6, 2009


You have heard it said that to get better at an art (or something you love) you must practice. We all know this saying to be true. We've experienced the results. But what about the things you that you love and you seek to fully master? What must you do then?

Practice will help, but is practice alone enough? I'm not talking about learning a new skill just for the sake of learning it. Oh no, I mean actually mastering something.

I have not lived long, but my experience has taught me that those who are truly masters in their area of expertise do more than practice. Take musicians for instance. Musicians do not just practice. Do they ever practice? Sure, all of the time. And you're thinking to yourself, "Okay, AO, now you are just contradicting yourself." Hold on, I'm not done (remember I'm undone). Great musicians don't just practice, they live their music. Jazz is probably where you see this best displayed. As I have heard it said, "In jazz, the music tells the story. It sets the plot. You don't have to listen long to hear the story. " This happens because Jazz players don't just practice... they live their music.

Same is true of anyone who's really mastered something. Whether it be a sport, a hobby, or useful skill (like complex mathematical equations), the masters don't just practice they breathe, eat, sleep, and live their passion, their art... yeah their life.

For me that's teaching. People have asked, why do you study so much when you teach. I'm not one of those who just wants to get by. I study to the point that what I am learning and what I in turn will teach is in my skin. It's a natural part of who I am. I shouldn't just tell you believe I what I'm telling you. I should believe it. You, yourself, may not be convinced, but one thing for sure, you should be convinced I believe if I'm the one teaching. My preaching professor and father in the ministry (Dr. Robert Smith) always says, "You gotta live with the text. You should wake up in the morning and the text you're teaching should be lying next to you. You sit down to eat and it should be sitting across from you. Your text should be your constant companion."

So my challenge to you... You say you want to be good at something... really good. Then you have to ask yourself a real question? Am I just practicing? Or am I living my art?

Live it!