Saturday, July 18, 2009

A Letter to My Child

Dear precious child,

At this moment, you find yourself warmly wrapped in the womb of your mother. Floating in fluid ever developing and taking shape to be a beautiful baby. Your mother and I anxiously await your arrival. I would be lying to say we think of much else but you. We have already developed a love for you far beyond your and even our comprehension.

We feel inadequate, unprepared, unready, and just simply at the mercy of God as to what to do with you. You are a special child, yes because you are our child. Your presence is already changing our lives and you haven't breathed your first breath outside the womb. My child you have brought abundant joy to our hearts and I assure you, we were pleasantly content before you were conceived and are even more so knowing you are on the way.

Our faces glow with smiles as we talk about you and plan for you. Our hearts know a new fulness and warmth as we pray for you everyday. I promise you child, you will know full well what it means to be loved, cared for, and adored. We do not promise you much materially, but we do promise you a wealth of hope and love.

I assure you even now we will make mistakes, we will screw up, but we will never stop loving you. You will find we are far from perfect, but we are honored to be your parents. We welcome you into our lives, our home, and our family. You are nothing less than a miracle and a blessing from the one and only God. We give honor and praise to Him who richly blessed us with this precious gift... we call our child. We know full well dear child you are only being lent to us, but what a privilege, one of which your mother and I will cherish forever. We love you and can't wait for you to join us. Godspeed.

With great pride and adoration,
Your Loving Father


Unknown said...

from a young woman who didnt have a daddy, this letter is the most beautiful thing ive ever read.

your little one is in store for some huge blessings. im thanking God right now that he/she gets you as a gift.

"We do not promise you much materially, but we do promise you a wealth of hope and love."

and theres nothing more important than that...

Anonymous said...

Beautifully written, AO. And congrats! Somehow I missed this piece of news.

Leslie Ann

Danielle said...

so sweet.

and i love the visual at the start. very medical. Sara is really rubbing off on you ;)

Unknown said...

This is very touching and heartfelt, but I can't help wondering if by "the one and only God" you mean Allah, Yahweh, Vishnu, Zeus, or Ra, all of which are indeed the one and only god to their followers.

Unknown said...

Really though, that was very sweet. You'll make a good dad.