I feel like everyone I have ever spoken with has these moments, I mean, I hope it's not just me, but you get that overwhelming feeling of reality. You know what I mean... that moment reality plops right down in front of you and smacks you in the face. I have come to realize and embrace that this feeling comes out of nowhere. It's on no timetable. It just happens. Much like that catchy little slogan for feces.
This morning as I was getting ready for the day, it happened. Reality hit. For those of you who missed it Sara and I are going to be parents. January 29, 2010 is the big day. Somewhere near that day and time we will welcome a little person in the world, into our home, and into our family. Here are some of the things that crossed my mind this morning as reality hit me with a left hook:
Alan, you do well to take care of yourself and another human being who is most capable of caring for theirself, what are you going to do with one that relies solely on YOU! I imagined holding this little person in my arms and making the realization that there was an equal part of me and equal part of Sara and yet this little baby would be its own person, wonderfully made weaved together miraclously by the Great Creator and Life Giver (Yahweh). He/She will grow up exceptionally faster than I can imagine. He/she will change the way Sara and I do life together, in the best sense I know. This fragile little being will be our responsibility. What?! God, I know and understand you KNOW everything and order things in such a way that Your will will be accomplished. But...?
Then, I couldn't think of the question I needed or even wanted to ask. The silence fell in my mind. Reality had hit hard and I looked like one of the losers after a UFC fight. Dazed and confused. Wondering where I was and what in the world just happened. Here's the best part though, just as quickly as reality landed its breath-taking blow, peace rushed on me like rain. Yeah maybe it was just being in the shower, but it was a real experience. My mind cleared and I heard a small, still voice say, "You will be okay. As will your child, my child." Yes, that happened this morning.
What I realized in all of this is how thankful I am that the God who orchestrates reality, exists within it to not only empowers us to withstand reality's striking blows, but equips us to live in and through reality. And oh yeah, walks with us all the way. That's what I call AWESOME!!!
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1 comment:
Alan, I love your blog. You are a great minister and are carrying such a great message that all you have to do as a parent is share it often. In everything you do through out the day walk in him, talk of him, teach your children of him, and you will raise fine children. Parenting is like $ references in the Bible, there are alot of them because it is important! God would not allow you this large measure of parenthood if he did not think you were worthy. You will and Sara will be great parents. It will not be because it is an easy job, you will be great parents because you know who the ~Father~ of your baby is...
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