Tuesday, January 6, 2009


Conversations happen all the time. I would not be surprised if they fill every second of the day, everyday. Conversations can be short and sweet, long and drawn out, distasteful, one-sided, encouraging, full and meaningful, uncomfortable, or just plain and simple.
Conversations range from person to person, situation to situation, topic to topic.

My attention turned to conversations this evening as I sat in Taco Bell eating a delightful Spicy Chicken Crunchwrap Supreme with Fire sauce. I sat alone in the middle of the eating establishment and listened. Conversations ensued all around me. The creative wheels started spinning. Now, I confess I heard only enough of each conversation to know I did not know enough of the context to assume anything. However, all of sudden I came to a profound realization. Conversations cease to exist without listening. It doesn't matter if no words are spoken, conversation does not happen in the absence of ears. To put it another way, two hydrogen molecules do not make water until combined with oxygen. Ideas, feelings, thoughts, words find no meaning or releavance without an attentive ear. Interestingly enough in our created state we have two ears and one mouth. I'm just saying that's all.

I realized today, there are many people who just do not listen. Perhaps they have a hard time doing so, or maybe unfortunately they just don't care to participate. Listening requires work. It is a labor intensive process. It takes time. Effort must be put forth. Listening may also mean hearing something you don't want to hear, a constant fear, especially when we are honest with ourselves enough to admit what is being said is TRUTH. The truth hurts. Truth attacks pride, our prized possession. Because in moments when we find ourselves not wanting to listen, we know all we have is our pride and we cling to it hard and fast.

Imagine, if you will, if the creation had had the foresight to know what come of it after it was brought into being by the Word (Genesis 1, John 1). Do you think it would have listened and obeyed? Or just slummbered away in the void and darkness? Sure, thats ridiculous right. Creation listened. Then I wonder why its so hard for us to listen to the Word? Is our pride that worth it? Or are we afraid the truth will hurt too much? Stick and stones may break my bones, but the Word can and will heal you. It can and will transform you. It can and will renew you. The truth can and will give you something new and worthy to cling to. But you have to hear it!! Listen.

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